by | Nov 16, 2020 | TWIMshow
1. Ads on Instagram Reels! 2. Instagram Now Supports Multiple Accounts in Desktop Version 3. Google to Change its SEO Metrics Starting on May 2021 4. Spotify Purchases the Podcast Company MegaPhone 5. Shopping Feature in WhatsApp Business Accounts 6. Updates to...
by | Nov 9, 2020 | TWIMshow
1. Instagram Experiments with Alternate Reaction Options for Stories 2. Countless of Advertisers Encounter Problems with Facebook Ads This Week 3. Facebook Shares Ad Copy Tips to Maximize Your...
by | Nov 1, 2020 | TWIMshow
1. Twitter Q3 Earnings Report Increase in Ad Revenue and a Decrease in Growth of Active Users2. Twitter provides Tips for Enhancing Brand Messaging During the Pandemic3. Facebook Q3 Earnings Report 2.54 Billion Daily Active Users and $3.71 Billion in Total Revenue...
by | Oct 26, 2020 | TWIMshow
1. Instagram plans to crack down on rule-breaking influencers & introduces new options including IGTV Ads2. Facebook cracks down on Fake Engagement Peddlers 3. Shopping, Payments, and Customer Service on WhatsApp4. TikTok starts to label misleading content &...
by | Oct 18, 2020 | TWIMshow
Google is testing a feature that will let users filter their search results by pages and sitesGoogle is working on a new feature that will let users filter their search results by pages and sites that have the same keywords and it comes with a Filter Box.Google Ads...
by | Oct 11, 2020 | TWIMshow
Facebook is working on adding an Inclusion List for StoriesFacebook is working on a feature where you can add what they call an “inclusion list” which allows you to add specific people and choose to share stories privately with them.Facebook is introducing an official...
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